Odoi Chelsea

Callum Hudson-Odoi fully recovered from Covid-19

Recently the world has been going through a big crisis and the good news is hard to come by, but on Friday Frank Lampard made an update that will put a smile on all of our faces.

Callum Hudson-Odoi has tested positive with COVID-19 on March 13 and now Frank Lampard gave us the good news that he has fully recovered.

“I’ve spoken to Callum and it’s great that he’s fully recovered,” said the head coach of Chelsea in a video message.

“I spoke to him throughout that first week when he first got the illness and it was a strange time. Thankfully he didn’t suffer too much and we are happy he’s come through this.

“Now it’s just about taking the necessary precautions with the rest of the squad, which we have been doing since he first tested positive and everyone is doing well in the current climate.

“It’s a difficult and strange time for everyone and no matter how much we all love football and all love Chelsea, sometimes other things have to come first.

“This is one of those situations and my message to the players throughout this has been to put your family first. Look after them, and yourself, and keep the motivation that way.

Hudson-Odoi can now begin a fitness regimen in his home while the Premier League continues to be suspended.

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