David Luiz Arsenal

Arsenal got this completely wrong

Arsenal might have made a huge mistake signing David Luiz from their rivals Chelsea last year. According to recent reports, the defender cost too much to the Gunners who offered him a deal of just one year.

Arsenal spent almost £24 million on the signing of the Brazilian player and they had this completely wrong as they will have him on their books for just one year.

Recently, it got clear that Arsenal actually signed David Luiz for just one year and not the widely-reported two years. According to the Athletic the deal has cost £24m for the Gunners.

The Brazilian's fee was just £8m, but when you add £6m to ‘intermediaries’ to help push through the deal, and of course when you put David Luiz wage for an year which is said to be £10m, then you will have the final numbers of the deal.

Spending that much on an aging player, who has not contributed much for the team, seems ridiculous and only shows us how desperate Arsenal might have been to agree to such a deal.

Arsenal could have spent much less money on much cheaper player. They should have signed a player who could have been more reliable in the long-term.

That only shows us that the Gunners still have lots of work to do in order to restore what Wenger built.

We witnessed some good changes in recent time, but we expect that the Luiz transfer will turn out to be one of their biggest mistakes.

The 33-year-old Brazilian defender is expected to leave the Gunners on a free transfer this summer as his current deal is set to expire in the summer.

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